WordPress 6.0 was released earlier today, and it is the second major release of 2022. This new release contains significant updates to the full site editing experience, bringing in a new way to build websites. It brings more improvements to the full site editing feature with new site-wide blocks, editable templates, and more patterns. You’ll[…]
WordPress 6
Get ready for WordPress 6. It feels like we’re doing updates every day! Between WordPress improvements and plugin updates, we’re kept pretty busy earning our hosting fees. We usually start with our website as a guinea pig and load it first for testing. once we are sure it’s good to go, we’ll start updating our[…]
Is WordPress good for my website?
One of the common misconceptions about WordPress is that since it is open source, it may not be good enough for big brands. To disprove this, here’s a list (in no particular order) of some notable big name brands that are using WordPress for their websites (besides us, of course): Time Inc. The New Yorker[…]
Strong Password crucial
Just a reminder to make sure you pick strong passwords for your email and website login. Just had a large e-commerce website go down because her hotmail email was hacked. She lost all images and links for over 300 products. It all has to be redone. NOTE: Our hosting backups only go back a week as well[…]
Photoshop formats definitions
Photoshop formats definitions: Formats are determined by the suffix after the period in a file name. Use GIF, PNG and JPG for online publishing. Use EPS and TIFF for print publishing. (BMP and PICT not really used anymore) BMP – Windows Bit Map Picture EPS Encapsulated Post Script GIF – Graphics Interchange Format JPEG –[…]
Should I update to WordPress 5?
Innovation always comes with a risk. This is no exception. If you really love Gutenberg, go for it! It’s a bold move. Gutenberg is built on the idea of placing blocks on a page. No coding is required, making it easy for everyone.If you’re not sure, there is a plugin called “Wordpress Classic Editor Plugin”[…]
Having a Meltdown… and Spectre
If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you may have heard the terms “Meltdown” and “Spectre” about two devastating chip design flaws. How does this affect your computer and devices? Is it just a PC problem? Apple has confirmed that all its iPhones, iPads and Mac computers are affected by two recently disclosed processor[…]
Can I get an “amen”?
When you see a Facebook post asking for a “Like” or an “Amen”, do you do it? Most of these posts are fake. They are set up by Facebook hackers who are just getting likes and comments for a page they are trying to build up. The more comments, the higher the ranking for the[…]
iPhone iOS9 Wi-fi Assist
If you have a low amount of data on your iPhone plan, you’re going to want to do this. I only have 1Gb so I definitely did this to save myself extra data charges each month. The new WiFi Assist feature could be causing your data to increase. Wi-Fi Assist automatically switches your phone from[…]
Save embedded file in email
I always get messages from PC users that a JPG file I sent in an email is embedded and they can’t save it. <em>Mac people have no such problem.</em> I don’t know why Outlook works this way, but there are easy workarounds to this problem. Option #A: <em>(Recommended for multiple images)</em> Open the email message[…]